Noetherian ring

Results: 70

21Ring theory / Commutative algebra / Ideals / Algebraic structures / Torsion / Associated prime / Artinian module / Noetherian ring / Finitely-generated module / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Module theory

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra[removed]252 North-Holland 233 John A. BEACHY

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-21 12:29:44
22Ring theory / Algebraic structures / Differential geometry / Commutative algebra / Torsion / Noetherian ring / Ideal / Analytic torsion / Finitely-generated module / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Module theory

Journal of Pure and Applied North-Holland

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-21 12:27:06
23Finitely-generated module / Associated prime / Injective module / Torsion / Module / Noetherian ring / Simple module / Uniform module / Ideal / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Module theory

Hokkaido Mathematical Journal Vol[removed]p. 16–27 On the torsion theoretic support of a module By John A. Beachy (Received January 12, 1976)

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Language: English - Date: 2001-10-09 15:49:56
24Ring theory / Module theory / Prime ideals / Algebraic structures / Injective module / Noetherian ring / Associated prime / Ideal / Commutative ring / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Commutative algebra

COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, 15(3), 471–[removed]A NOTE ON PRIME IDEALS WHICH TEST INJECTIVITY John A. Beachy and William D. Weakley Department of Mathematical Sciences Northern Illinois University

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Language: English - Date: 2014-05-07 14:07:55
25Ring theory / Algebraic structures / Homological algebra / Commutative algebra / Injective module / Projective module / Serial module / Dedekind domain / Ring / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Module theory

Introduction and Standard Notation HNP (hereditary Noetherian prime) rings are perhaps the only noncommutative Noetherian rings whose projective modules, both finitely generated and infinitely generated, have nontrivia

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Language: English - Date: 2011-04-05 03:00:15
26General topology / Ring theory / Algebraic structures / Binary operations / Noetherian ring / Ring / Topological space / Idempotence / Ideal / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Topology

Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No[removed]197

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Language: English - Date: 2010-03-26 16:52:41
27Field theory / Finite field / Free abelian group / Presentation of a group / Noetherian ring / Module theory / Representation theory of finite groups / Finitely-generated module / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Ring theory

Algebra - Spring 2012 Daren Cheng Jesse Madnick Last updated: September 2013 Acknowledgments & Disclaimers Some of the solutions contained herein are my own, but many are not. I am indebted to Daren Cheng for sharing wit

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Language: English - Date: 2014-07-04 08:19:56
28Algebraic structures / Commutative ring / Noetherian ring / Ring / Ideal / Local ring / Matrix ring / Torsion / Jacobson radical / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Ring theory

Workshop on Rings at Warwick University of Warwick, May 10, 2002 An Introduction to Universal Localization at Prime Ideals John A. Beachy University of Glasgow and Northern Illinois University In the study of commutative

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Language: English - Date: 2002-05-09 15:17:05
29Commutative algebra / Module theory / Ideals / Algebraic structures / Noetherian ring / Ring / Prime ideal / Artinian ring / Primary ideal / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Ring theory

LINKED PRIMES AND ORDERS IN ARTINIAN RINGS John A. Beachy and Christine M. Leroux Abstract: It is shown that prime ideals of a Noetherian ring are linked if and only if certain corresponding prime ideals are linked in an

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-22 12:42:52
30Ideals / Prime ideals / Ring theory / Module theory / Noetherian ring / Minimal prime / Radical of an ideal / Torsion / Krull dimension / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Commutative algebra

Can. J. Math., Vol. XXVII, No. 1,1975, pp[removed]ON MAXIMAL TORSION RADICALS, II JOHN A. BEACHY L e t R be an associative ring with identity, and let ^Jé denote the category of unital left i^-modules. T h e Walkers [

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-21 18:00:21